Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Welcome to South Queensferry!!!

Around 7 something in the morning:

Alright so G and I are now officially in Edinburgh, and it is vair early in the morning, I hate the mornings >:( I think I have mentioned that before though so anyways....

After this vacation, I'm going to need another vacation (but that's what MBL is for sa YAY!)

Took a tender today because there is this bridge that blocks our boats way in, and the boat is simply toooo large : D

Something around nine in the morning:

Still to early to be up, good to know that we have the same tour guide from three days ago today, he's awesome! Robert Louis Stevenson, the guy who wrote " Docter Jekyl and Mister Hyde" lived in Edinburough we passed his house today along with many other famous peoples place of life you could say, their abodes???? O_O I don't know, what I'm talking about I'm just writting it down.

Alright so the little paragraph earlier was actually at like seven thirty in the morning this post is now at 8:45 a.m.

OMG! THE TIME TRAVELLERS WIFE!! (Rachel McAdams is in it!)

I wanna get a tattoo at a place like the one we just passed, it was called Venus Fly Trap Tattoo XDDDDDDDDDDDD Less then a year and I'll be getting one YAY!

Sometime around ten thirty:

At the castle now where Mary Queen of Scots stayed and such, it's all vair windy again, I'm loving it, Grams isn't really though she says it is cold, this whole trip she has been talking about my furnace being different.

(We all know it is though so ^^)

Saw these awesome guys playing the drums today in the castle Grams says they are the Swiss band that is taking part in the Milatary Tattoo, anyways, I met two of them because I walked straight into Ian the drummer who had humongous spacers in his ears, we chatted it up till he had to leave. Talked to his friend Steven as well for a bit but then I talked to Ian.


11:11 a.m.

I just saw some guy wearing a black "I <3 Slavik women" t-shirt, it was pretty funny, some people just waved at me, and then some other guy looked at me funny for waving out the window, but then he waved back so I won!


Love you all!

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