Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Also information on July 7th, but I'm actually writting this on the Wednesday, I think : d

The bit before was a bit messy... low energy and being aggers doesn't help.....

When I'm writting this bit, I'm in a better state of inner zen : D

Finally got off the plane, the entry before is also Tuesday, the man who took our tickets to get to where we needed to go to take flights to everywhere else in the U.K. was absolutely gorgey, first impression on England (big bucket of drool) It defiantly hasn’t been a let down on the snoggable guy scale : D

July 8th,


Today we got up at eight a.m. a obvious shocker to my teenage system and had some delicious breakfast, Shredded Wheat is nummmmmmmmmy

After a bit of breaky, we headed off in Peter and Ruth’s caravan to Whitby, which I think I hyperventilated once I found out I was in fact going there first.

I want to live in Whitby, sorry Canada but I totally cheated behind your back XD

Whitby is right on the North Sea, the sun came out for us and it only started to get cloudy after we had been done and was heading back home.

While in Whitby (a.k.a. my favourite place in the world, so far) Grandma and I were dropped off, so we started to walk about ( I was in fact the only Goth there…)

I needed to buy deodorant, mom you packed it toooooo well, so Grams and I went to a pharmacy shop and I bought some while Grandma bought some lypsol. Once we finished purchasing those items the lady at the counter helped Grandma figure out which pieces of her money was still legal or not (a few weren’t : D)

After figuring out that some coins couldn’t be used, we asked which was the best place to go and get fish and chips, the lady said the Magpie’s but the queue reached the north pole so instead we went to another place whose name completely escapes me @_@ Grams ordered shrimp scampi, while I had fish and chips : D

Then we walked again (still can’t believe I DIDN’T SEE ANY GOTH’S) and went into three Goth stores, were I was very tempted to buy a few items but thought against it : D (I wore my black skinny jeans, my maryjane platforms, spider socks, a black tank, a lacey top on top of that, and a black sweater on that I think I looked fabby)

In Whitby I bought: a piece of world famous Whitby Jet that was inserted into a spider pendent, and a few other items a certainly cannot say : D

Anyways, Gotta goes, talk to you sooner rather then later hopefully <3333333

P.S. Grams just said that I had a Yorkshire accent

P.P.S. On Tuesday after settling in, we had fish and chips for lunch (it was wrapped in paper for “take-away”- our take-out)

P.P.P.S. After lunch, we had a much needed nap zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

P.P.P.P.S. Went to the family plot as well (it poured) sprinkled Taffy’s ashes and then went to Gwen which was lovely (I love Strawberries and Cream)

P.P.P.P.P.S. Also went to Robin Hood's Bay after Whitby

P.P.P.P.P.P.S. I <3>

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