Sunday, July 26, 2009

Now in the North of Ireland, that means I can use pounds, which means I can save my Euro's for France ^^

I think it's around ten in the morning, but I'm not sure because my brain isn't working XD

Giants Cosway (I don't know how to spell that) is where we're going today. I'm thinking it has something to do with a bridge though, and rockssss... O_O

Word of the Day:
(From yesterday)
Haha: I forgot the meaning though...

Now in the Princess Theater waiting for the tour to start and for the BLOODY SHIP TO DOCK! It hasn't yet D:

Human contact yay!

Vair bored, wanting something to do badly!

Their and There and They're

Watched the Duchess last night, that was interesting...

ADD songs:
Bouncing off the walls again
and that song from MCS.

Later on:

Giant's wasn't a bridge well technically it isn't a bridge.

Story goes that giant Fin McCool was building a bridge to connect Ireland and Scotland, now Fin's nemesis was another giant who then smashed the bridge. Anyways, I'm sitting admiring the ocean atop some of the rocks that Fin used to build the bridge, it's completely stunning, it's also a beautiful day so that helps alot <3

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