Sunday, July 5, 2009

Ohhhhhhh myyyy, I'm leaving tomorrow!!! @_@

So the day has finally arrived, I can't believe the span of six days could have moved so quickly! I mean it feels like it was just yesterday that I was sitting at the table, typing on my dad's laptop, and thinking: " I have so much time left, this week will go by so slowly." Eventhough, this week has flown by I have still made the most of my time by, packing until 2 in the morning with my mother this morning, getting my hair cut and died yesterday, had my going away party on Friday with my closes friends at Korean Grill, and finally spent the night before then hanging out with my sister Coren (I MISS YOU!!!!!!! x_x)

Currently, I am almost finished packing, and having a heart attack to think that I will be on a plane in less then a day! I just can't get that fact straight into my head, I feel as if tomorrow I'll wake up and think that it's a school day, when really it's not. That fact alone is a little more then terrifying but I will totally get through it (sour candy and gum does wonders XD)

Anyways, I gotta get going more packing needs to be done, I also need to figure out what I shall be wearing to the airport. So far it sound as if I will be wearing a t-shirt with black pants and shoes, I am at the peek of fashion awareness : D

Alright well much love everyone, the next post you'll be seeing up on here will be from across the pond!
Love you all, don't break anything while I'm gone!


P.S. Before we started packing again, mother and I enjoyed a delicious dinner at Vesuvio's (it was amazing!!!!!!!) The food was excellent, and the art on the walls was AWESOME (Thanks for drawing Dan!)

P.P.S. I got streaks in my hair, I have never had those before... I don't know what to think, they are in fact growing on my though... ^^

P.P.P.S. R.I.P. Bailey- missing you terribly

P.P.P.P.S. Broke one very long nail today prying open my new memory card from it's package, hopefully I'll have one by tomorrow D;

P.P.P.P.P.S. OMG I'M FRIGGIN LEAVING TOMORROW!!!!!!! It's like I'm Alice going through the rabbit hole into a totally different world... Though instead of wacky creatures, and caterpillars that are smoking unmentionable substances it's people with accents (I will be drooling non-stop, thanks for the bucket Coren!)

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