Thursday, July 23, 2009

23rd of July: I'm on a TRAIN

That beef soup I was talking about earlier, wasn't even beef, it was lamb!

So glad I dodged that bullet!

XDD ^^

Currently I'm now sitting on a seat in a real train that runs on steam or coal (I'm not sure what) going to my next stop in Wales, just finished buying items for peoples, and bought myself something as well! <3

Woke at an ugly time in the morning, I hate them, have I mentioned that before? Took pictures at first pit stop, got myself a tiny compact that has Marilyn Monroe on it, and got the matching eyeglass holder for less then $10 CDN YAY!

Yesterdays tour was very nice, but far toooooo long though it was beautiful but very hot, bought a book on women and there underwear.

It's wonderful out today as well, sunglasses are a must, everyday is a sunglass wearing day! Saw 2 rainbows yesterday and then two today!


Lots of sheep in Wales, alot of sheep around everywhere actually, though in Wales the sheep are aloud to go everywhere even the road!


At a castle now, castle Chirk.

Aussie accents are vair vair nice ^///^

P.S. How many songs do I have on my MP3?

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