Thursday, July 16, 2009

July 16th Hampton Court Today!

8:19 a.m.

Just teared up a little from missing the friends, DAMN YOU COREN!!! <333333333333

Haven't teared up from missing the family... O_O


Going to Hampton Court today with Ailsa, and Ronald, then going to JO JO's house for some din dins ^^

Meeting new people today, I'm sure they will be marvvvvvvvvy.


P.S. Breaky timessssssssssssssssss

P.P.S. I'm a complete spazzzzzz

9:27 p.m.

Just got home from a lovely dinner at Aunt Jo Jo's house, met Auntie Pat, Ronald, and Fritha (I think I spelt that very wrong @_@) after spending the day walking about Hampton Court which was more then a bit lovely.

Got my picture taken with Henry at Ailsa's request, once he found out I was from Canada he definatly seemed to like me being a part of Britain and all. He was actually getting married today (they reinact one of his six weddings everyday!) to Kateryn Parr, vair vair interesting I enjoyed it ^^

Well anyways, partying with the mates tomorrow, meeting more of my ever growing British fam <3

Lot's of Love, with a side of beheadings!

P.S. They all joked that I should be his seventh wife, I would jump ship... XDD

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