Wednesday, July 15, 2009

WEDNESDAY!!!!!!!! The 15th of July!!!!!

10:36 p.m.


Alright so, that whole speel was what I have been writting in my journal, unfortunatly I cannot show you the drawings but once I get home I'll see if I can upload them or something. Also I'm going to upload pictures ASAP currently sitting in Ailsa's house typing like an animal on her computer; TECHNOLOGY YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAAYAYAYY!!!!!!

Totally met Ronald today, he's a doll : D Elsa, the one I have been conversationalling with is actually on her way to Indonesia so I won't be seeing her at all, though I think I will in fact be meeting most of my other relatives on Friday at this party that Jo Jo is throwing. Jo Jo and everyone I have met so far has been absolutly amazing, and I can't thank them enough for being so kind to Grams and myself <3 Lots of Love you all!!

Anyways, I'm going to Hampton Court tomorrow, I think I shall be enjoying myself my running through a maze and getting completely lost, well if the bushes are short enough I could in fact just look over, maybe I should wear my tall shoes....... : D

10:41 p.m.

Going to get my card right now, hoping to upload pictures... YAY computer.

Just ate nummies, I'm like a very happy fat cat lounging about, or maybe I'm just feeling the effects of the blissful cream I have seem to be eating everyday, it's sinfully good <3

10:42 p.m.

I guess I should go get them now........

10:43 p.m.

Getting them- now!

10:44 p.m.

Got it, now where is the hole.... @_@ (Feeling defeated)

10:47 p.m.

Still can't figure out where I'm going to put this bloody thing, Ailsa is such a sweet heart <33333333333

Seriously, how could I forget that guy's information??? @_@

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