Thursday, July 23, 2009

Guernsey, or Guernsy??

Hey everyone,

So I'm finally posting again because I have really been busy (no lie) doing all of my shore excursions, then having to get dressed to eat, then of course sleeping is a good thing since I'm up at an unreasonable time every morning in order to get to said shore excursions on time : D I JUST LOVE THE MORNINGSSSSSSSSSSSSS X_X

Anyways, so our first shore excursion was to the Isle of Stark which was occupied by the Germans in WWII (I think, gosh, gotta get my facts straight!). The following is right from my journal so hope you all enjoy!

July 20th, 2009
8:48 a.m.


Waiting for the fearie to move, oh wait it is....... =^^=

(Some time later)

Just got off the fearie, some lady was almost puking her guts out on the boat because it was rocking and such silliness (it only made me feel very sleepy : D) Now I'm currently waiting for the tracker to move so we can do our horse ride, it's moving now and I can't write well because it's very bumpy.

Finally in the horse drawn buggy, waiting for the horse to move now, just met a lovely lady whose name I can't remember... Bad person, I knows.

2:18 p.m.

Going back to the boat now after a 45 minute fearie ride to get back to the port, I definatly fell completely asleep for most of the ride back, Grams did toooooooo.

Going to have a nap once I get back, a kitty cat nap XD

(Saw a very cute kitty while on the horse thingy, it was vair cute but obviously playing with some sort of field mouse :P)

(Saw two kitties at Stark, one gave me a high five then tried to do the excorcist on the stone wall... Reminds me of another kitty)


At Stark, horse ride was good, we got the vair cheeky horse that had to be infront of all the other horses : D It made me chuckle. Once we got back onto the "main" road, I got myself some garlic bread before heading back, to infact head back.

P.S. Tractor rides are hilarious!

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