Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hello everyone, this is marvy me writting from across the pond!

Hello everyone from across the pond!

As you can already figure, I made it safely over to England (all in one piece) and am now having the time to write something new on my blog, because well if you haven’t already noticed it’s vair vair boring and quite drab.

Sorry I haven't been posting anything new, I’ve been very busy and a lot of my relatives don’t seem to have computers. I was hoping to write something while in London at the hotel, but that computer was down so instead, I waited. Now though I’m staying at one of Joan’s daughters house (I’ll write the name down once I know how to spell it properly @_@) she has a computer and so she is letting me use it : D

Anyways, this little bit is just a prologue, I’m going to be writing everything that I have been doing since the plane ride, to now, in diary format after this post, so yes Kathryn I am in fact putting something new up! ^^

All right so hope you all are having fun (even though the garbage strike is still going on, or might still be going on) and here is my brain in a blog, hope you all enjoy and aren’t getting into too much trouble.

Love and kisses,



P.S. There is a fly buzzing around my head…

P.P.S. Completely flabbergasted.

P.P.P.S. Wrote all of you some postcards!

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