Wednesday, July 15, 2009

July 9th, Chesterfield, or Chesterfeild... Anyways, the place not the couch

Went vintage shopping at two Charity shops today, and I bought myself a hat that looks lovely on me if I do say so myself, I hope everyone will like the presents I have bought them today, if not I’ll keep them : D

Still on my list:

Kathryn’s underpants


Took the bus today (Double Decker), they go all around England! From one end to the other, and from north to south (did you know England could fit into Lake Superior?????? O_O)

Heading to lunch now, a buffet a think at a 16th century inn, can’t wait my stomach is vair tiffed at me for not feeding it sooner.

Haven’t put anything on my card today, though I might if I find something of my liking (don’t have an episode mother)


Tea Time is always at five

Thinking about London

I think once we get off the train, we’ll just go and get lost.

Writing right now in the caravan, the spire in Chesterfield was amazing it leans like the pizza one (XDDDDDD)

Word of Tuesday: BUMP (road accident)

Word of Wednesday: QUEUE (waiting line)

Word of Today: Chesterfeild or Chesterfield O_O ( a place in England full of markets)

MOTORWAY (highway)

P.S. I want to live here… BADLY!

Some time later…

Just woke off, fell asleep in the caravan zzzzzzzzzzzz

So many sheep Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Artsy Fartsy park to my left, every little sheep eat some grass on my left

Peter knows every single side road of England, sounds like mom to me!

Peter just jumped out of the car to save a baby bird from being run over awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww



Good thing I’m not afraid of heights, just took a very steep path that on my side went straight down, Auntie Pat wouldn’t like this one bit.

7:45 p.m.

Just came back from Joyce and Jack’s, they are complete angels <3>

10:12 p.m.

Writing again more fully, Joyce and Jack are lovely, can’t think of much more to write maybe I’ll think of something tomorrow, maybe not…

Going to York tomorrow in the morning by our lonesome’s because Peter isn’t feeling well.

P.S. Mom, you would love driving in England.


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