Friday, July 31, 2009

July 31st 2009

So Grams and I are now off the boat, completely packed, I'm not really missing the boat I'm missing Canada though a little...

Heading back to Ailsa's now, Ron has picked us up with Jo Jo so that she could see our boat and how HUGE it is.

I have to say that buying What Lies Beneath, Women and their underwear by Helen Murray is one of my many good buys, it's throughly enjoyable!

Well going out to dinner tonight at a Thai Food place, It will be very yummy ^^ Going home tomorrow, so I shall see everyone soon!


I think it is the 29th... O_O

I think it's the twenty ninth, but anyways, I'm at a pit stop on my way to Paris ^^ I'm going in and out of sleep because I'm slightly tired and it's a three hour bus ride to Paris.

11:01 a.m.

There is a lot of grafitti in France (It would seem at least) then in Ontario, or even Toronto.

11:11 a.m.

Just got my first look at the Eifel tower, I am now in PARIS!!!!!!!

Minutes later:


12:40 p.m.

Now eating lunch at Jenny's restaurant (Jenny's is the name everyone) wine, wine, wine, it's free did you know that because I certainatly didn't!

One of the waiters is cute, probably doesn't speak any english though... O_O

Sometime later:

Just went shopping near Notre Dame, I bought nine vintage posters and to tin vintage posters for under $20.00 Canadian dollars, I love bardering (is that how you spell it??? Vair confused) I went into a G LOLI store down a small street called Harajuku, I wish I had bought something but I decided against it T^T

Sometime later (again):

Now heading back to the boat, I cannot believe it is my last night, I don't really know if I wanna go home or not... Though I am craving MBL, and their is some people I would like to see, plus I think Kathryn or Coren would kill me if I stayed and didn't take them with me... I'd be dead.

Late at night:


Something random

This post is because I cannot for the life of me remember exactly when I was writting this:

(Oh wait! It was the 28th)

28th of July
11:20 p.m.

Watching the movie Taken right now, it's awesome, well at least I am liking it : D The main guy is the guy from the first of the "newer" Star Wars movies (if you know what you mean you might not though, and in that case I understand.) You know, the one with Ewan McGreggor or something, and the little Aniken... anyways, no idea but he is epic, yes yes he is indeed epic.

Sometime near one in the morning:


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Welcome to South Queensferry!!!

Around 7 something in the morning:

Alright so G and I are now officially in Edinburgh, and it is vair early in the morning, I hate the mornings >:( I think I have mentioned that before though so anyways....

After this vacation, I'm going to need another vacation (but that's what MBL is for sa YAY!)

Took a tender today because there is this bridge that blocks our boats way in, and the boat is simply toooo large : D

Something around nine in the morning:

Still to early to be up, good to know that we have the same tour guide from three days ago today, he's awesome! Robert Louis Stevenson, the guy who wrote " Docter Jekyl and Mister Hyde" lived in Edinburough we passed his house today along with many other famous peoples place of life you could say, their abodes???? O_O I don't know, what I'm talking about I'm just writting it down.

Alright so the little paragraph earlier was actually at like seven thirty in the morning this post is now at 8:45 a.m.

OMG! THE TIME TRAVELLERS WIFE!! (Rachel McAdams is in it!)

I wanna get a tattoo at a place like the one we just passed, it was called Venus Fly Trap Tattoo XDDDDDDDDDDDD Less then a year and I'll be getting one YAY!

Sometime around ten thirty:

At the castle now where Mary Queen of Scots stayed and such, it's all vair windy again, I'm loving it, Grams isn't really though she says it is cold, this whole trip she has been talking about my furnace being different.

(We all know it is though so ^^)

Saw these awesome guys playing the drums today in the castle Grams says they are the Swiss band that is taking part in the Milatary Tattoo, anyways, I met two of them because I walked straight into Ian the drummer who had humongous spacers in his ears, we chatted it up till he had to leave. Talked to his friend Steven as well for a bit but then I talked to Ian.


11:11 a.m.

I just saw some guy wearing a black "I <3 Slavik women" t-shirt, it was pretty funny, some people just waved at me, and then some other guy looked at me funny for waving out the window, but then he waved back so I won!


Love you all!

Monday, July 27, 2009

The 27th of July: LOCH NESS TODAY!!!

7:30 p.m.

Had to wake up at some really early time today, which wasn't so bad because the bus we were on had this really awesome seat near the back that had loads of room for mah extra long legs ^^ The only problem was for some odd reason, my butt fell asleep and therefor I could not fall asleep on the trip to Quehart Castle and Loch Ness, which means I didn't get that cap nap which means I was a tad bit tired, and I still am tired.

Had some very yummy dinner with Grams today, I had crawfish in lobster sauce, a thai soup, and salmon for the main course. For dessert I had this peanut butter thing, and to my disapointment didn't taste anything like peanut butter T^T

Anyways the following is from today:

Sometime around nine a.m.

Alright so why does a gift shop right NEXT to Loch Ness not have any type of Nessie shirts, sweaters, hats etc? You think because nessie is infact one of Scotlands most famous myths that they would have one of everything imaginable with nessie's face on it!?

I'm vair angry and vair close to going ballistic because I want my nessie shirt!

Writting this right now on the Loch Ness on a bunch right on the property of the castle we are visiting (see above for name) it's vair windy but otherwise beautiful, Grams says it's very cold, I don't know what she is talking about nope nope!



There are signs everywhere that say "please, stay to the path" and what does some bloody git do? SHE SITS RIGHT ON THE GRASS NOT TWO FEET FROM THE BLOODY SIGN THAT SAYS NOT TO!!!!!!!

Favourite song for today:
Candle by the White Tie Affair


Sometime later:

On a higher note to what I was writting before, I have bought a lovely sweater, and the arms are actually a little to long for me!


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Okay so now it's today

Our first sea day, I relaxed all day it's amazing to just relax play cards on our balcony and watch movies and such. I watched the movie Australia last night it was awesome, Hugh Jackman for the win : D

I caught the end of this movie and a MCS song was in it, I cringed. I was pleasently surprised yesterday that the name Cullan means whelp, another meaning means handsome (damn it was so good for like five seconds!)

Missing everyone lots!

In Scotland

It's cloudy but I can tell it will be better : )

Last night I went to the teen center with someone I have met on the boat, I will not be going back it was gross D:

Now my card has some ugly thing on it, I dislike it emmensly.

Anyways, hopefully my day will be better then my night, Scotland is lovely.

8:50 a.m.

Our tour guide is wearing full Scottish gear!!!!!!!!!


My name is on a sign in Scotland!

I used to play Loch Lomond on my bass

10:30 a.m.

Just finished going to Loch Lomond, we're now late because of some idiots on our tour -.-

11:10 a.m.

Sitting down outside of a castle drawing stuff : D

2:51 p.m.

Heading back to the boat now, my bus is going on a ferrie XD YAY!

The term "Black Mail" comes from something Scottish, and Kelpies are supposedly in the lake we just passed AWESOME!

Now in the North of Ireland, that means I can use pounds, which means I can save my Euro's for France ^^

I think it's around ten in the morning, but I'm not sure because my brain isn't working XD

Giants Cosway (I don't know how to spell that) is where we're going today. I'm thinking it has something to do with a bridge though, and rockssss... O_O

Word of the Day:
(From yesterday)
Haha: I forgot the meaning though...

Now in the Princess Theater waiting for the tour to start and for the BLOODY SHIP TO DOCK! It hasn't yet D:

Human contact yay!

Vair bored, wanting something to do badly!

Their and There and They're

Watched the Duchess last night, that was interesting...

ADD songs:
Bouncing off the walls again
and that song from MCS.

Later on:

Giant's wasn't a bridge well technically it isn't a bridge.

Story goes that giant Fin McCool was building a bridge to connect Ireland and Scotland, now Fin's nemesis was another giant who then smashed the bridge. Anyways, I'm sitting admiring the ocean atop some of the rocks that Fin used to build the bridge, it's completely stunning, it's also a beautiful day so that helps alot <3

Thursday, July 23, 2009

23rd of July: I'm on a TRAIN

That beef soup I was talking about earlier, wasn't even beef, it was lamb!

So glad I dodged that bullet!

XDD ^^

Currently I'm now sitting on a seat in a real train that runs on steam or coal (I'm not sure what) going to my next stop in Wales, just finished buying items for peoples, and bought myself something as well! <3

Woke at an ugly time in the morning, I hate them, have I mentioned that before? Took pictures at first pit stop, got myself a tiny compact that has Marilyn Monroe on it, and got the matching eyeglass holder for less then $10 CDN YAY!

Yesterdays tour was very nice, but far toooooo long though it was beautiful but very hot, bought a book on women and there underwear.

It's wonderful out today as well, sunglasses are a must, everyday is a sunglass wearing day! Saw 2 rainbows yesterday and then two today!


Lots of sheep in Wales, alot of sheep around everywhere actually, though in Wales the sheep are aloud to go everywhere even the road!


At a castle now, castle Chirk.

Aussie accents are vair vair nice ^///^

P.S. How many songs do I have on my MP3?

Blarney Stone is todaysssssssssss, also Dublin activities on the 22nd

Some time early in the morning on the 21st of July:

I'm in Ireland, I think : D

Waiting for another tour to start, I'm going to kiss the stone, supposedly it's not very nice out today but it will get better because I need to kiss the stone and get the gift of gab!

Some time later:



Some time later, again:

I watched Made of Honour, I love that movie, it's hilarious <3

Sometime near noon on the 22nd of July:

Word of the day by far:
An Irish word for ship, or sea vessel

(Wonder how much that would cost a night?????? ^^)


Sometime near 1 p.m.

Just finished walking about.

Currently going to get some lunch.

Just ate Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice-cream.

Missing everyone.

Buy Made of Honour cause it's hilarious.

Bootleg DVD covers look exactly like REAL U.K. DVD covers, think about that one Rosedale :D.

After 1 p.m.

I was suppose to eat at a pub for lunch with a set menu, that didn't happen because the soup was very suspicious and looked alot like beef, so instead I'm eating a chicken and cheese panini at a small cafe drinking ARIZONA YAY!!!!

P.S. Oh how I missed Arizona so.

Guernsey, or Guernsy??

Hey everyone,

So I'm finally posting again because I have really been busy (no lie) doing all of my shore excursions, then having to get dressed to eat, then of course sleeping is a good thing since I'm up at an unreasonable time every morning in order to get to said shore excursions on time : D I JUST LOVE THE MORNINGSSSSSSSSSSSSS X_X

Anyways, so our first shore excursion was to the Isle of Stark which was occupied by the Germans in WWII (I think, gosh, gotta get my facts straight!). The following is right from my journal so hope you all enjoy!

July 20th, 2009
8:48 a.m.


Waiting for the fearie to move, oh wait it is....... =^^=

(Some time later)

Just got off the fearie, some lady was almost puking her guts out on the boat because it was rocking and such silliness (it only made me feel very sleepy : D) Now I'm currently waiting for the tracker to move so we can do our horse ride, it's moving now and I can't write well because it's very bumpy.

Finally in the horse drawn buggy, waiting for the horse to move now, just met a lovely lady whose name I can't remember... Bad person, I knows.

2:18 p.m.

Going back to the boat now after a 45 minute fearie ride to get back to the port, I definatly fell completely asleep for most of the ride back, Grams did toooooooo.

Going to have a nap once I get back, a kitty cat nap XD

(Saw a very cute kitty while on the horse thingy, it was vair cute but obviously playing with some sort of field mouse :P)

(Saw two kitties at Stark, one gave me a high five then tried to do the excorcist on the stone wall... Reminds me of another kitty)


At Stark, horse ride was good, we got the vair cheeky horse that had to be infront of all the other horses : D It made me chuckle. Once we got back onto the "main" road, I got myself some garlic bread before heading back, to infact head back.

P.S. Tractor rides are hilarious!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Some sort of crual joke has me awake at some sort of ugly hour in zi morning

Alright so, I'm safely on the boat waiting for my first shore excursion to start, Grams got the times mixed so now I have like a good hour and a half to do NOTHING because we woke up toooooo early T_T

So I haven't posted in three days, just because I have been so bussssssy being incredibly awesome ^^

Anyways, had a party with the british fams who I thought would be all upper class, let's just say I was wrong, ummm errrrrss then I packed, had some lunch and headed off to Southhampton for the night before catching the boat.

It's vair vair nice on zi boat, my brain is turning to muuuuushhhhhhh, I'll write some more later tonight when I don't feel like sleeping on the ke-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Bat Woman (XD)

P.S. Daniel Craig nummmies times infinity

P.P.S. It isn't raining again, which is vair good and whatnots


Thursday, July 16, 2009

10:25 p.m. July 16th



(Vair angry right now....... Love you all!)

July 16th Hampton Court Today!

8:19 a.m.

Just teared up a little from missing the friends, DAMN YOU COREN!!! <333333333333

Haven't teared up from missing the family... O_O


Going to Hampton Court today with Ailsa, and Ronald, then going to JO JO's house for some din dins ^^

Meeting new people today, I'm sure they will be marvvvvvvvvy.


P.S. Breaky timessssssssssssssssss

P.P.S. I'm a complete spazzzzzz

9:27 p.m.

Just got home from a lovely dinner at Aunt Jo Jo's house, met Auntie Pat, Ronald, and Fritha (I think I spelt that very wrong @_@) after spending the day walking about Hampton Court which was more then a bit lovely.

Got my picture taken with Henry at Ailsa's request, once he found out I was from Canada he definatly seemed to like me being a part of Britain and all. He was actually getting married today (they reinact one of his six weddings everyday!) to Kateryn Parr, vair vair interesting I enjoyed it ^^

Well anyways, partying with the mates tomorrow, meeting more of my ever growing British fam <3

Lot's of Love, with a side of beheadings!

P.S. They all joked that I should be his seventh wife, I would jump ship... XDD

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

WEDNESDAY!!!!!!!! The 15th of July!!!!!

10:36 p.m.


Alright so, that whole speel was what I have been writting in my journal, unfortunatly I cannot show you the drawings but once I get home I'll see if I can upload them or something. Also I'm going to upload pictures ASAP currently sitting in Ailsa's house typing like an animal on her computer; TECHNOLOGY YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAAYAYAYY!!!!!!

Totally met Ronald today, he's a doll : D Elsa, the one I have been conversationalling with is actually on her way to Indonesia so I won't be seeing her at all, though I think I will in fact be meeting most of my other relatives on Friday at this party that Jo Jo is throwing. Jo Jo and everyone I have met so far has been absolutly amazing, and I can't thank them enough for being so kind to Grams and myself <3 Lots of Love you all!!

Anyways, I'm going to Hampton Court tomorrow, I think I shall be enjoying myself my running through a maze and getting completely lost, well if the bushes are short enough I could in fact just look over, maybe I should wear my tall shoes....... : D

10:41 p.m.

Going to get my card right now, hoping to upload pictures... YAY computer.

Just ate nummies, I'm like a very happy fat cat lounging about, or maybe I'm just feeling the effects of the blissful cream I have seem to be eating everyday, it's sinfully good <3

10:42 p.m.

I guess I should go get them now........

10:43 p.m.

Getting them- now!

10:44 p.m.

Got it, now where is the hole.... @_@ (Feeling defeated)

10:47 p.m.

Still can't figure out where I'm going to put this bloody thing, Ailsa is such a sweet heart <33333333333

Seriously, how could I forget that guy's information??? @_@

Tuesday the 14th ON MY OWN!!! XDDDDDD

9:00 a.m.

Leaving to travel about in London, going to take the tube to Chelsea and Kings Road which is a small but awesome shopping district supposedly, ON MY OWNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!



12:32 p.m.

Just finished my walk all around Kings Road, walked from the tube all the way to the end and then back up again before my ankle started to kill me, stupid ankle.

4:00 p.m.

Leaving to stay near Jo Jo tomorrow, Ron is picking us up at the hotel at 11 a.m. I think I will enjoy myself, we're having a party on Friday, large get together ^^

Monday the 13th, sounds mouch less menacing then a Friday the 13th

8:25 a.m.

Finally arrived at Stone Hedge, and it wasn't raining which was good, the police gaurd said it had literally been raining a second before our bus arrived. Luck with the weather seems to be on our side, though I wish we had more luck with telephones D:

9:23 a.m.

Hadn't eaten anything before heading off, so my stomach is currently upset with me, thank you very much for finally saying that we are now going to get something to eat at the George Inn in Lacock, which is where they filmed the new Harry Potter movie.

9:30 a.m.

Just realized that the police guard at Stone Hedge was totally giving me looks (more like giving my butt looks LAWL)

9:40 a.m.

Food tastes sooooo good.

1:09 p.m.

Alright so now Grams and I have just been through the Roman Bath's in Bath, there is an absolutly snoggable guy playing a guitar outside the bath's, I'm going to go and chat with him maybe he won't think I'm crazy and talk with moi ^^

1:30 p.m.

Had a chat with him, and he gave me a flower *dies* left for the bus with grandma and got his email address ^/////^ X.X : 3

P.S. Goooooooood day!

4:40 p.m.

Going to have Indian again tonight because we enjoyed it so much before... Yum


9 p.m.

Just watched something very interesting about crocodiles..... Learned something I don't think I ever wanted to know..... O_O

10:07 p.m.


P.S. Zoom Zoom, saw a book today at Bath and I wanted to laugh like a maniac but I don't think the people would have enjoyed that to much ^^

P.P.S. Should have done it anyways

Sunday the 12th Currently Waiting

7:20 a.m.

Currently waiting with Grams for our tour of London, waiting is the worst part of anything and I don't enjoy it at all.

Anyways, last night I stayed up and watched my super ex-girlfriend which was hilarious, and then I watched a program on the 17th century and Marie Antoinette. I enjoyed it.

P.S. Still waiting, Grams is getting figety @_@

P.P.S. Some lady is yelling at the reception lady... O_O

7:28 a.m.

I hate the bloody morning, it's the uber stupid time of anyday because there is simply nothing to do so early, I should in fact be sleeping :[

7:32 a.m.

Still waiting... zzzzzzzzzz

7:33 a.m.

I wish I was sleeping zzzz

7:34 a.m.

Ballistisism (is that even correct???)

7:40 a.m.


8:25 a.m.

Alright so the bloody tour hasn't actually started yet, now we're at a station waiting for the bloody thing to start... ciao!

8:41 a.m.

God I love accent's I could listen to this guy talking all day...


8:43 a.m.

Actually started touring.

9:21 a.m.

Hey Kat, I went to Fleet Street and started to sing just for you!

3:17 p.m.

Well just had our tour and we are now stopping at Cafe Rouge for some lunch at the Hayes Galleria, OMG it was friggin awesome touring about, Kat you and I need to come and get lost, Coren you have to be with us everystep of the way, Katrina, use your hovering skills to find us.

10:04 p.m.

Stone Hedge is at five a.m. tomorrow morning.......

Five a.m. tomorrow sounds very early, I really want to do it though so I'll push through and see that place for sure.

10:08 p.m.

Had Indian food for din din tonight (missing you terribly my fiancee T^T) at a place called Drummond Villa amazing food nummies in my tummy.

Going to sleep, don't think I'll sleep well, to many thoughts, going out on my own on Tuesday though, still can't believe th-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

July 11th, I don't want to leave Ruth and Peter!

10:15 a.m.

On the train, London is calling me!

Hugged Ruth and Peter goodbye *tear* missing those two already! Hating having to leave them so soon...


P.P.S. Grams and I have so many bags that they take up the luggage space... XDDDDD

P.P.P.S. Wondering what you all are doing??????

10:20 a.m.


10:21 a.m.

Mmmmmmm that hot chocolate still tastes good in my mouth.......


9:34 p.m.

Been around London, went down to the famous Oxford Street (it's not nearly as shop crowded as QSW) but before that we went to the Crown and Anchor a very good pub within walking distance of the hotel for lunch.

I most definatly had a Rasberry Collins it was nummy : D

Before our main courses we had bread balls- sheer numiness, thoroughly enjoyed my meal.

9:42 p.m.

Just got back to the room after dinner at the hotels restaurant, f-ing amazing food, at least I thought the chicken tandoori was nice : D

9:43 p.m.


Just found NCIS in the television ^^

Nummy Gibbs

9:46 p.m.

The places I have been is the same as before, except now I'm actually in London : D

9:53 p.m.

Currently watching an interview with a glamour model Katie Price otherwise known as "Jordan" for modelling and such things. The guy interviewing her is from Britain's got Talent I think... The Simon Cowell type of thing in England.... Or somthing.....

Loving it!

P.S. Susan Boyle still has an amazing voice.

Friday the 10th of July!

9:45 a.m.

Taking the train to Doncaster, and then York today because Peter isn't feeling well, T^T Can't wait to get there it's going to be fabbity fab fab ^^

9:50 a.m.

First train in forever, and all I can think about is where can I find the piddly diddly department @_@

9:51 a.m.

My bladder is going to explode!

P.S. Bucket is sitting, over flowing at my feet ^^

9:55 a.m.

Child screaming, wanna beat D:

P.S. Need to peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (It's overwhelming)

P.P.S. How long is this train ride?? O_O

P.P.P.S. Auntie Jo Jo sounds awesome! XDDDDDDD

10:00 a.m.

Places I have been so far:
Robin Hood's Bay
Chesterfield or Chesterfeild
Slought (Huttersfield)

10:17 a.m.

Now on the train to York and I've officially come accustomed to the word "Cheers"

"Cheers"- a way of saying thanks

P.S. It's a lovely phase : D

10:20 a.m.

Very Bored!

1:05 p.m.

Just finished walking the York wall which is amazing and marvy, loving the old architecture : D

Currently though I'm sitting my fanny down at Cesars an Italian restaurant that looked good so we have decided to eat lunch here, it's right across from the abbey, the view is supperb!

P.S. I finally did my buisness : D

P.P.S. I hate screaming babies!

Closer to 2 p.m.

Just finished eating all the simply amazing food, it was delectible. I had a spicey chicken with calliflower and cheese that also came with veggies, and a bit of potatoe while Grams got a medium rare steak which she devoured ^^

4:08 p.m.

Just finished buying stuff at a jewellery store, a vinatge poster store, and a vintage style pin-up store =^.^=

York, another of my favourite places right beside Whitby, living here would be great, we walked the wall (can't remember IF I had wrote that down or not... ^^)

Drinking hot chocolate that is the best damn thing ever, they give you milk and then you add the chocolate *drool*

Gotta go!

July 9th, Chesterfield, or Chesterfeild... Anyways, the place not the couch

Went vintage shopping at two Charity shops today, and I bought myself a hat that looks lovely on me if I do say so myself, I hope everyone will like the presents I have bought them today, if not I’ll keep them : D

Still on my list:

Kathryn’s underpants


Took the bus today (Double Decker), they go all around England! From one end to the other, and from north to south (did you know England could fit into Lake Superior?????? O_O)

Heading to lunch now, a buffet a think at a 16th century inn, can’t wait my stomach is vair tiffed at me for not feeding it sooner.

Haven’t put anything on my card today, though I might if I find something of my liking (don’t have an episode mother)


Tea Time is always at five

Thinking about London

I think once we get off the train, we’ll just go and get lost.

Writing right now in the caravan, the spire in Chesterfield was amazing it leans like the pizza one (XDDDDDD)

Word of Tuesday: BUMP (road accident)

Word of Wednesday: QUEUE (waiting line)

Word of Today: Chesterfeild or Chesterfield O_O ( a place in England full of markets)

MOTORWAY (highway)

P.S. I want to live here… BADLY!

Some time later…

Just woke off, fell asleep in the caravan zzzzzzzzzzzz

So many sheep Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Artsy Fartsy park to my left, every little sheep eat some grass on my left

Peter knows every single side road of England, sounds like mom to me!

Peter just jumped out of the car to save a baby bird from being run over awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww



Good thing I’m not afraid of heights, just took a very steep path that on my side went straight down, Auntie Pat wouldn’t like this one bit.

7:45 p.m.

Just came back from Joyce and Jack’s, they are complete angels <3>

10:12 p.m.

Writing again more fully, Joyce and Jack are lovely, can’t think of much more to write maybe I’ll think of something tomorrow, maybe not…

Going to York tomorrow in the morning by our lonesome’s because Peter isn’t feeling well.

P.S. Mom, you would love driving in England.


Also information on July 7th, but I'm actually writting this on the Wednesday, I think : d

The bit before was a bit messy... low energy and being aggers doesn't help.....

When I'm writting this bit, I'm in a better state of inner zen : D

Finally got off the plane, the entry before is also Tuesday, the man who took our tickets to get to where we needed to go to take flights to everywhere else in the U.K. was absolutely gorgey, first impression on England (big bucket of drool) It defiantly hasn’t been a let down on the snoggable guy scale : D

July 8th,


Today we got up at eight a.m. a obvious shocker to my teenage system and had some delicious breakfast, Shredded Wheat is nummmmmmmmmy

After a bit of breaky, we headed off in Peter and Ruth’s caravan to Whitby, which I think I hyperventilated once I found out I was in fact going there first.

I want to live in Whitby, sorry Canada but I totally cheated behind your back XD

Whitby is right on the North Sea, the sun came out for us and it only started to get cloudy after we had been done and was heading back home.

While in Whitby (a.k.a. my favourite place in the world, so far) Grandma and I were dropped off, so we started to walk about ( I was in fact the only Goth there…)

I needed to buy deodorant, mom you packed it toooooo well, so Grams and I went to a pharmacy shop and I bought some while Grandma bought some lypsol. Once we finished purchasing those items the lady at the counter helped Grandma figure out which pieces of her money was still legal or not (a few weren’t : D)

After figuring out that some coins couldn’t be used, we asked which was the best place to go and get fish and chips, the lady said the Magpie’s but the queue reached the north pole so instead we went to another place whose name completely escapes me @_@ Grams ordered shrimp scampi, while I had fish and chips : D

Then we walked again (still can’t believe I DIDN’T SEE ANY GOTH’S) and went into three Goth stores, were I was very tempted to buy a few items but thought against it : D (I wore my black skinny jeans, my maryjane platforms, spider socks, a black tank, a lacey top on top of that, and a black sweater on that I think I looked fabby)

In Whitby I bought: a piece of world famous Whitby Jet that was inserted into a spider pendent, and a few other items a certainly cannot say : D

Anyways, Gotta goes, talk to you sooner rather then later hopefully <3333333

P.S. Grams just said that I had a Yorkshire accent

P.P.S. On Tuesday after settling in, we had fish and chips for lunch (it was wrapped in paper for “take-away”- our take-out)

P.P.P.S. After lunch, we had a much needed nap zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

P.P.P.P.S. Went to the family plot as well (it poured) sprinkled Taffy’s ashes and then went to Gwen which was lovely (I love Strawberries and Cream)

P.P.P.P.P.S. Also went to Robin Hood's Bay after Whitby

P.P.P.P.P.P.S. I <3>

July 7th Vair Tired -.- zzzzzzzzzzzz

Itinerary from today:

Got to Heathrow at 6 a.m. England time around one in the morning or something for you all.

Got on a shuttle bus at 7:06 a.m.


Grandma is a great walker.

Gate eight, is actually gate 78!!!!!!! ]: Sooooooooo vair frustrated, haven’t slept a wink (Good thing I have experience in pulling all nighters…)

July 6th, 4:00 p.m. (16:00)

Travelling (Monday)


We’ve already left my mom, and Chris at customs, and I can sincerely say that I haven’t missed either of them one bit (I don’t think I will either : D Love you mom : D)

Airport food, not plane food, is totally just like regular food, except totally worse in my opinion T^T

(The next part of this entry is a little bit of my craziness, hope you all don’t mind, just read it like I would be saying it to you ^^)

zzzzzzz mmmmmmmmmm Timmies bagel!

(Why is there always absolutely no butter?)

Pictures taken so far?

Hmmmm, I think eight not completely sure though… O_O

I AM CANADIAN (insert Canada flag here)

Probably going to take the window seat, even if my legs die I want to be able to see the clouds XD

Nine or Eight pictures now…


Even the washrooms at airports have problems, no toilet paper, no paper towels….


JUMBO: to be extra large, pertaining to crossword and puzzle books you buy to amuse yourself

A little bit later:


Toronto time: 7:35 p.m.

Still Monday

The plane started moving, and a grinned like a complete fool (or maybe a pervert I’m not sure…….)

Vair vair creepy but absolutely true!

Currently I’m sitting watching Bride Wars, it’s friggin ridiculous!



Ta Ta for now!

Hello everyone, this is marvy me writting from across the pond!

Hello everyone from across the pond!

As you can already figure, I made it safely over to England (all in one piece) and am now having the time to write something new on my blog, because well if you haven’t already noticed it’s vair vair boring and quite drab.

Sorry I haven't been posting anything new, I’ve been very busy and a lot of my relatives don’t seem to have computers. I was hoping to write something while in London at the hotel, but that computer was down so instead, I waited. Now though I’m staying at one of Joan’s daughters house (I’ll write the name down once I know how to spell it properly @_@) she has a computer and so she is letting me use it : D

Anyways, this little bit is just a prologue, I’m going to be writing everything that I have been doing since the plane ride, to now, in diary format after this post, so yes Kathryn I am in fact putting something new up! ^^

All right so hope you all are having fun (even though the garbage strike is still going on, or might still be going on) and here is my brain in a blog, hope you all enjoy and aren’t getting into too much trouble.

Love and kisses,



P.S. There is a fly buzzing around my head…

P.P.S. Completely flabbergasted.

P.P.P.S. Wrote all of you some postcards!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Cause I'm leaving on a Jet Plane!

All my bags are packedIm ready to goIm standin here outside your doorI hate to wake you up to say goodbyeBut the dawn is breakinIts early mornThe taxis waitinHes blowin his hornAlready Im so lonesomeI could die.

So kiss me and smile for meTell me that youll wait for meHold me like youll never let me gocause Im leavin on a jet planeDont know when Ill be back againOh babe, I hate to go.

Theres so many times Ive let you downSo many times Ive played aroundI tell you now, they dont mean a thingEvry place I go, Ill think of youEvry song I sing, Ill sing for youWhen I come back, Ill bring your wedding ring.

So kiss me and smile for meTell me that youll wait for meHold me like youll never let me gocause Im leavin on a jet planeDont know when Ill be back againOh babe, I hate to go.

Now the time has come to leave youOne more timeLet me kiss youThen close your eyesIll be on my wayDream about the days to comeWhen I wont have to leave aloneAbout the times, I wont have to say.

Oh, kiss me and smile for meTell me that youll wait for meHold me like youll never let me gocause Im leavin on a jet planeDont know when Ill be back againOh babe, I hate to go.

But, Im leavin on a jet planeDont know when Ill be back againOh babe, I hate to go.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Ohhhhhhh myyyy, I'm leaving tomorrow!!! @_@

So the day has finally arrived, I can't believe the span of six days could have moved so quickly! I mean it feels like it was just yesterday that I was sitting at the table, typing on my dad's laptop, and thinking: " I have so much time left, this week will go by so slowly." Eventhough, this week has flown by I have still made the most of my time by, packing until 2 in the morning with my mother this morning, getting my hair cut and died yesterday, had my going away party on Friday with my closes friends at Korean Grill, and finally spent the night before then hanging out with my sister Coren (I MISS YOU!!!!!!! x_x)

Currently, I am almost finished packing, and having a heart attack to think that I will be on a plane in less then a day! I just can't get that fact straight into my head, I feel as if tomorrow I'll wake up and think that it's a school day, when really it's not. That fact alone is a little more then terrifying but I will totally get through it (sour candy and gum does wonders XD)

Anyways, I gotta get going more packing needs to be done, I also need to figure out what I shall be wearing to the airport. So far it sound as if I will be wearing a t-shirt with black pants and shoes, I am at the peek of fashion awareness : D

Alright well much love everyone, the next post you'll be seeing up on here will be from across the pond!
Love you all, don't break anything while I'm gone!


P.S. Before we started packing again, mother and I enjoyed a delicious dinner at Vesuvio's (it was amazing!!!!!!!) The food was excellent, and the art on the walls was AWESOME (Thanks for drawing Dan!)

P.P.S. I got streaks in my hair, I have never had those before... I don't know what to think, they are in fact growing on my though... ^^

P.P.P.S. R.I.P. Bailey- missing you terribly

P.P.P.P.S. Broke one very long nail today prying open my new memory card from it's package, hopefully I'll have one by tomorrow D;

P.P.P.P.P.S. OMG I'M FRIGGIN LEAVING TOMORROW!!!!!!! It's like I'm Alice going through the rabbit hole into a totally different world... Though instead of wacky creatures, and caterpillars that are smoking unmentionable substances it's people with accents (I will be drooling non-stop, thanks for the bucket Coren!)