Friday, July 31, 2009

July 31st 2009

So Grams and I are now off the boat, completely packed, I'm not really missing the boat I'm missing Canada though a little...

Heading back to Ailsa's now, Ron has picked us up with Jo Jo so that she could see our boat and how HUGE it is.

I have to say that buying What Lies Beneath, Women and their underwear by Helen Murray is one of my many good buys, it's throughly enjoyable!

Well going out to dinner tonight at a Thai Food place, It will be very yummy ^^ Going home tomorrow, so I shall see everyone soon!


I think it is the 29th... O_O

I think it's the twenty ninth, but anyways, I'm at a pit stop on my way to Paris ^^ I'm going in and out of sleep because I'm slightly tired and it's a three hour bus ride to Paris.

11:01 a.m.

There is a lot of grafitti in France (It would seem at least) then in Ontario, or even Toronto.

11:11 a.m.

Just got my first look at the Eifel tower, I am now in PARIS!!!!!!!

Minutes later:


12:40 p.m.

Now eating lunch at Jenny's restaurant (Jenny's is the name everyone) wine, wine, wine, it's free did you know that because I certainatly didn't!

One of the waiters is cute, probably doesn't speak any english though... O_O

Sometime later:

Just went shopping near Notre Dame, I bought nine vintage posters and to tin vintage posters for under $20.00 Canadian dollars, I love bardering (is that how you spell it??? Vair confused) I went into a G LOLI store down a small street called Harajuku, I wish I had bought something but I decided against it T^T

Sometime later (again):

Now heading back to the boat, I cannot believe it is my last night, I don't really know if I wanna go home or not... Though I am craving MBL, and their is some people I would like to see, plus I think Kathryn or Coren would kill me if I stayed and didn't take them with me... I'd be dead.

Late at night:


Something random

This post is because I cannot for the life of me remember exactly when I was writting this:

(Oh wait! It was the 28th)

28th of July
11:20 p.m.

Watching the movie Taken right now, it's awesome, well at least I am liking it : D The main guy is the guy from the first of the "newer" Star Wars movies (if you know what you mean you might not though, and in that case I understand.) You know, the one with Ewan McGreggor or something, and the little Aniken... anyways, no idea but he is epic, yes yes he is indeed epic.

Sometime near one in the morning:


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Welcome to South Queensferry!!!

Around 7 something in the morning:

Alright so G and I are now officially in Edinburgh, and it is vair early in the morning, I hate the mornings >:( I think I have mentioned that before though so anyways....

After this vacation, I'm going to need another vacation (but that's what MBL is for sa YAY!)

Took a tender today because there is this bridge that blocks our boats way in, and the boat is simply toooo large : D

Something around nine in the morning:

Still to early to be up, good to know that we have the same tour guide from three days ago today, he's awesome! Robert Louis Stevenson, the guy who wrote " Docter Jekyl and Mister Hyde" lived in Edinburough we passed his house today along with many other famous peoples place of life you could say, their abodes???? O_O I don't know, what I'm talking about I'm just writting it down.

Alright so the little paragraph earlier was actually at like seven thirty in the morning this post is now at 8:45 a.m.

OMG! THE TIME TRAVELLERS WIFE!! (Rachel McAdams is in it!)

I wanna get a tattoo at a place like the one we just passed, it was called Venus Fly Trap Tattoo XDDDDDDDDDDDD Less then a year and I'll be getting one YAY!

Sometime around ten thirty:

At the castle now where Mary Queen of Scots stayed and such, it's all vair windy again, I'm loving it, Grams isn't really though she says it is cold, this whole trip she has been talking about my furnace being different.

(We all know it is though so ^^)

Saw these awesome guys playing the drums today in the castle Grams says they are the Swiss band that is taking part in the Milatary Tattoo, anyways, I met two of them because I walked straight into Ian the drummer who had humongous spacers in his ears, we chatted it up till he had to leave. Talked to his friend Steven as well for a bit but then I talked to Ian.


11:11 a.m.

I just saw some guy wearing a black "I <3 Slavik women" t-shirt, it was pretty funny, some people just waved at me, and then some other guy looked at me funny for waving out the window, but then he waved back so I won!


Love you all!

Monday, July 27, 2009

The 27th of July: LOCH NESS TODAY!!!

7:30 p.m.

Had to wake up at some really early time today, which wasn't so bad because the bus we were on had this really awesome seat near the back that had loads of room for mah extra long legs ^^ The only problem was for some odd reason, my butt fell asleep and therefor I could not fall asleep on the trip to Quehart Castle and Loch Ness, which means I didn't get that cap nap which means I was a tad bit tired, and I still am tired.

Had some very yummy dinner with Grams today, I had crawfish in lobster sauce, a thai soup, and salmon for the main course. For dessert I had this peanut butter thing, and to my disapointment didn't taste anything like peanut butter T^T

Anyways the following is from today:

Sometime around nine a.m.

Alright so why does a gift shop right NEXT to Loch Ness not have any type of Nessie shirts, sweaters, hats etc? You think because nessie is infact one of Scotlands most famous myths that they would have one of everything imaginable with nessie's face on it!?

I'm vair angry and vair close to going ballistic because I want my nessie shirt!

Writting this right now on the Loch Ness on a bunch right on the property of the castle we are visiting (see above for name) it's vair windy but otherwise beautiful, Grams says it's very cold, I don't know what she is talking about nope nope!



There are signs everywhere that say "please, stay to the path" and what does some bloody git do? SHE SITS RIGHT ON THE GRASS NOT TWO FEET FROM THE BLOODY SIGN THAT SAYS NOT TO!!!!!!!

Favourite song for today:
Candle by the White Tie Affair


Sometime later:

On a higher note to what I was writting before, I have bought a lovely sweater, and the arms are actually a little to long for me!


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Okay so now it's today

Our first sea day, I relaxed all day it's amazing to just relax play cards on our balcony and watch movies and such. I watched the movie Australia last night it was awesome, Hugh Jackman for the win : D

I caught the end of this movie and a MCS song was in it, I cringed. I was pleasently surprised yesterday that the name Cullan means whelp, another meaning means handsome (damn it was so good for like five seconds!)

Missing everyone lots!

In Scotland

It's cloudy but I can tell it will be better : )

Last night I went to the teen center with someone I have met on the boat, I will not be going back it was gross D:

Now my card has some ugly thing on it, I dislike it emmensly.

Anyways, hopefully my day will be better then my night, Scotland is lovely.

8:50 a.m.

Our tour guide is wearing full Scottish gear!!!!!!!!!


My name is on a sign in Scotland!

I used to play Loch Lomond on my bass

10:30 a.m.

Just finished going to Loch Lomond, we're now late because of some idiots on our tour -.-

11:10 a.m.

Sitting down outside of a castle drawing stuff : D

2:51 p.m.

Heading back to the boat now, my bus is going on a ferrie XD YAY!

The term "Black Mail" comes from something Scottish, and Kelpies are supposedly in the lake we just passed AWESOME!