Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Six Days Left till I'm travelling over the Pond

June 30th 2009
7:20 p.m.

Urgggg I’m actually completely flabbergasted that I only have six days left (SIX FRIGGIN DAYS) until I start my month long trip with Grandma Piggly to Shakespeare a Go-Go land, as Georgia Nicholson would affectionately call it. It’s mind boggling to think that only a few months earlier then today, we were planning this trip and now, it’s almost here.

I am so excited to be going across the pond (I honestly have no idea why they say that, it’s hardly a pond I mean you can go canoeing in a pond in the ocean you’d probably get eaten by Jaws XD) but I also know that I will totally miss my sisters, my fictional wives, my fictional fiancĂ©es, my family, and most importantly my parents (though not to much ^^.)

Though I will miss you all, I also know that I will meet new people, and probably make myself an extended family in England (and no, I won’t steal a lot of people, just a minimal amount so the authorities won’t come and reprimand me. You know the normal amount, including boys with amazing blue eyes, drools) and so, don’t worry about me too much everyone I’ll be fine.

Currently, I’m sitting typing this prologue with my Dad’s really weird computer on a very bad Internet connection (AOL isn’t meant to work period) so I won’t be writing much more, but maybe I will get on tomorrow and write again. Maybe, not promising anything because I might be packing, which could be all night so I won’t exactly have to do much later.

Anyways, enough blabbering, see you all soon lot’s of love!

P.S. I figured out that the coffin I received for either Christmas or my Birthday makes an excellent pencil case, it now hold most of the things I use to draw (the pencil sharpener won’t fit T_T)

P.P.S. Baba burnt popcorn and just through some at Bailey who is sleeping peacefully, like my Father who has loud outbursts (snoring.)